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Abdullah Qulliam: Builder of Britain’s First Mosque

Abdullah Qulliam is a British convert, who is known for his achievements of introducing islam to Great Britain. He built Britain’s First Mosque in 1891 and his achievement signified a starting point to the growth of Islam in the country. Many believe that he was the first native Englishman to embrace Islam. Today, there are nearly four million Muslims in Britain.

Recommended Ideas on how to Utilize Time as Arab Americans

By: Ala Abed-Rabbo/Arab America Contributing Writer          Recommended ideas to all Arabs and Arab Americans – moving to another country, such as the United States, may fulfill one’s dreams as well as facing new challenges. New Arab comers to the United States or Arab Americans should focus on specific aspects, such as … Continued

Selling Palestine Down the River: Trump and Netanyahu Face Many Hurdles

Photo Yahoo By: John Mason/Arab America Contributing Writer Until recently, Israel’s new unity government had been on track to annex as much as 30% of the West Bank as soon as July 1, fully guaranteed by President Trump and Mr. Kushner. Unilaterally determined, this step will preclude any possibility for the formation of an independent … Continued

The Similarities and Differences Between English and Arabic

By: Jackson Chasen-Buckley /Arab America Contributing Writer When it comes to classifying the similarities and differences between English and Arabic, the differences far outweigh the similarities. To be rightfully honest, this makes sense. These languages both originated in different parts of the world and, therefore, had few connections with their inception. This doesn’t mean that … Continued

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