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Pathbreakers of Arab America–Sixth in Series: Dr. Nemat “Minouche” Shafik

This is the sixth in Arab America’s series on American pathbreakers of Arab descent. The series includes personalities from entertainment, business, science, academia, and politics, among other areas. Arab America contributing writer, John Mason, highlights our sixth pathbreaker, Minouche Shafik, Egyptian born, Arab American, first woman president of Columbia University, Member of British Parliament, and world renown economist. Her curriculum vitae is nothing short of astounding.

Shahid: Netflix of the Arab World

By: Nevin Girgis / Arab America Contributing Writer Application Features Because they are not available on popular streaming services, Arabs strive constantly to find their favorite TV series and movies. Luckily, now there are streaming services that offer similar features as Netflix and Hulu that specialize in Arab entertainment. This is not to say that … Continued

Top Arab Football Clubs of 3 Arab Countries

By: Nevin Girgis/ Arab America Contributing Writer Football in the Arab World As the most beloved sport in the Middle East, football is a significant part of Arab culture. The sport is enjoyed daily, physically through children and adults playing outside or through television screens in every street cafe and home. In the Arab world, … Continued

Macarona Bechamel: The Egyptian Lasagna

By: Nevin Girgis/ Arab America Contributing Writer All around the Middle East there are always several versions of dishes, a consistent one is Macarona Bechamel from Egypt. Macarona Bechamel is a beloved dish made from the perfect combination of several ingredients. This dish includes pasta, seasoned ground beef, and a creamy thick white bechamel sauce. … Continued

Pathbreakers of Arab America–Third in Series: Mohamed El-Erian

This is the third in Arab America’s series on American pathbreakers of Arab descent. The series includes personalities from entertainment, business, science, academia, and politics, among other areas. We will endeavor to represent the broad array of Arab Americans, including a mix of women and men, countries of origin, and fields of work. Contributing writer, John Mason, provides our third pathbreaker case, world thought leader, educational and finance entrepreneur, of Egyptian heritage, Arab American Mohamed A. El-Erian.

Pathbreakers of Arab America—First in a Series: Rami Malek

This is the first in Arab America’s series on American pathbreakers of Arab descent. The series will include personalities from entertainment, science, academia, and politics, among other arenas. We will endeavor to represent the broad array of Arab Americans, including a mix of females and males, countries of origin, and fields of endeavor. John Mason, contributing writer, presents as the first pathbreaker case, illustrious Egyptian American actor Rami Malek.

The Blind Date Show: Egypt’s Trending YouTube Game Show

By: Nevin Girgis / Arab America Contributing Writer Trending YouTube shows have slowly decreased in popularity due to the rise of shorter videos. However, some channels have been able to keep their viewers’ attention. A prominent YouTube channel in the Arab World is ‘BingeCircle’, producing enticing and engaging videos. The most famous segment is a … Continued

Egypt Holds its First-Ever Fashion Week

By Salma Heram / Arab America Contributing Writer Egypt held its first-ever fashion week between May 12-15, centering around its theme of the “Past, Present, and Future.” Much thought went into this event, being the first of its kind in the country, despite Egypt’s crucial role in the history of fashion and textiles. Follow along … Continued

Egyptian Christian Woman’s DNA Traced to 2,500-Year-Old Mummy—Contrasts with Reverse Case of Netflix Narrative that Cleopatra was Black

John Mason, contributing writer, reports on how an Egyptian-Christian woman recently learned from a genetic test that her DNA tied her to a dynasty 2,500 years ago. A separate analysis of this claim suggests that such a finding is easily manipulated to create a narrative of a special national identity for a specific portion of the population. On the race-color scale, this case reverse-mirrors the Netflix narrative that Cleopatra was Black.

Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra” Sparks Controversy

By Salma Heram / Arab America Contributing Writer On April 12, 2023, Netflix released a trailer for their upcoming documentary series Queen Cleopatra. This season comes as the second in a new documentary series by Jada Pinkett Smith depicting African Queens. However, upon its release, the trailer sparked much controversy, particularly between Egyptians and African … Continued

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