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Will Wealthy Arabs Help Revitalize the American Gambling Industry?

Before 2021, travel became increasingly convenient and easy to arrange, with the boundaries between countries beginning to blur. Popular attractions such as casinos relied on attracting tourists from all over the world, and not just their local patrons.  But then events to a turn for the worse, and the way of the world changed overnight.  … Continued

Dr. Mohamed El-Erian During this Pandemic Crisis: Will we Draw on the Lessons from Past Mistakes?

450 Participants Join National US Arab Chamber of Commerce Webinar, Including Nine Arab Ambassadors Back in 2008, the world teetered on the edge of an international financial crisis initially sparked by banks’ excessive risk-taking and the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble. What resulted was the worst global recession since the Great Depression of the … Continued

Kirkuk: The Iraqi City of Black Gold

By: Lindsey Penn/Arab America Contributing Writer The Middle Eastern countries are very well-known for their oil deposits. In particular, the Gulf is known around the world for its oil production, which the countries built their wealth upon. However, Kirkuk, Iraq has a different experience with oil production. Kirkuk is unique, as its history has led … Continued

What Is Fair Trade and How Can You Support It in the Arab World?

By: Claire Boyle/Arab America Contributing Writer We have all heard of the term “Fair Trade,” but for those of us who have not, you are probably asking many questions. These questions might include, “What is fair trade?” “Why is it important?” “Do any of these programs exist in the Arab World, and, if so, how … Continued

The State of Syria: More Difficult Times to Come

By: Yasmina Hage/Arab America Contributing Writer Syria is facing a truly major humanitarian crisis. On March 15, 2020, it had been exactly nine years since the war in Syria began. It is a conflict that has left thousands dead and wounded, while at the same time driving millions of people to flee their country in … Continued

Dubai During COVID-19: Its Success May Be Its Downfall

By: Noah Robertson/Arab America Contributing Writer The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a group of seven emirates established in 1971 with each emirate having its own laws, governing body, internal affairs, and control over its economy. The group of emirates is governed by a Supreme Council and Federal National Council with members from each emirate. … Continued

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