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What Is Fair Trade and How Can You Support It in the Arab World?

By: Claire Boyle/Arab America Contributing Writer We have all heard of the term “Fair Trade,” but for those of us who have not, you are probably asking many questions. These questions might include, “What is fair trade?” “Why is it important?” “Do any of these programs exist in the Arab World, and, if so, how … Continued

Middle Eastern Delicacies Make Grand Entrance in American Markets

By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer As a child growing up in the United States, there were very few Middle Eastern restaurants, except for a couple of good-quality falafel shops. Hummus wasn’t even considered cool then, just some creamy beige paste my parents slathered on my pita sandwiches to the shock and horror of my … Continued

Welcoming the Snow in Algeria!

By: Samir Tahraoui/Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: Welcoming snow in Algeria is deeply entrenched in the nation’s traditions and history, and Algerians have been taught through successive generations to treat snow as a special guest that needs to be welcomed and entertained in a unique traditional way. The lucky cold guest always receives a warm … Continued

How Shakira Eats and Trains in a Day-New Latin Inspired Recipes!

By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: Let’s face it, for many people, it’s hard to get motivated in February. Most people would rather stay cozy in their homes, wrapped up in blankets and sipping on hot chocolate rather than sprinting in the rain or doing planks in the snow. Not to mention the closing … Continued

Let’s Make Every Day National Baklava Day

By: Sophia Segal/Contributing Writer for Arab America Each year we’re greeted with national days all over the country. For some, it’s just a regular day, but for others, they really look forward to celebrating something that’s fun and enjoyable. And if you can eat at the occasion, then why not celebrate this day? Don’t worry … Continued

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