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4,227 Results (Page 344 of 353)

Mediterranean Cooking from the Garden with Linda Dalal Sawaya—curing olives...olive curing

Dec 30, 2015

    misson and picholine olives (left) Douma, Lebanon olive orchard © linda dalal sawaya 2015 The beauty of the olive tree, revered for centuries besides providing wealth of oil and fruit, has long been used as a symbol for peace.(...)

The Gentle and Faithful Saluki

Dec 30, 2015

BY: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing Writer Considered the aristocrat of the greyhound family, the Saluki has, for millennia, been an honoured companion of man. Its air of aloof dignity and independent spirit has for centuries made this breed of dog cherished in(...)

Christmas in the Middle East

Dec 23, 2015

BY: Adrian Tafesh/Contributing Writer Christianity in the Middle East is as old as Christianity itself. The traditions, celebrations, and rituals of the Christians of the Levant, Iraq, and North Africa reflect cultures that have been molded by a sense of(...)

Mediterranean Cooking with Linda Dalal Sawaya—Christmas cookies Nus Qamar: almond crescent moons

Dec 23, 2015

Nus qamar almond crescent moon cookies © linda dalal sawaya 2015 In Alice's Kitchen: Traditional Lebanese Cooking, I wrote "Mother's secret recipe, these exquisite almond crescent moons…" and continued describing the irresistibleness of these cookies made for the holidays. As my(...)

Talavera - Mexico’s Gift To The Ceramic World

Dec 23, 2015

BY: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing Writer Browsing in the Handicraft Market in Puebla, the most Spanish of Mexican towns, I was amazed and thrilled by the attractive bowls, plates, pottery, tiles and many other ceramic items artfully exhibited in the shops. Outside, strolling(...)

An Open Letter from an Arab American of Syrian Heritage

Dec 16, 2015

In the midst of much anti-Muslim rhetoric in America, a ban on Muslims entering America has been proposed. While the media has been focusing on this proposal that has been widely rejected by politicians, it fails to shed light on(...)

Where the Presidential Candidates Stand on Palestine and Israel

Dec 16, 2015

BY: Adrian Tafesh/Contributing Writer A few months ago the Iran Nuclear Agreement was the U.S.-Israel policy issue that dominated the headlines, and was declared a barometer by which the public would judge candidates in the coming months. Well, a considerable(...)

Zheng He: China's Most Famous Muslim Navigator

Dec 16, 2015

BY: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing Writer During the early 20th century an inscription on a stone pillar was discovered in the Taoist goddesses’ Temple of the Celestial Spouse in a town in China’s Fujian province. It told of the amazing epic voyages(...)

Mediterranean Cooking from the Garden with Linda Dalal Sawaya—malfouf mihshi lamb and rice rolled in napa cabbage

Dec 16, 2015

lamb and rice stuffed cabbage rolls (malfouf mihshi bi lahme ou riz) © linda dalal sawaya 2015 Stuffing vegetables such as kousa, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, and leaves such as grape, fig, cabbage, and chard is a time-honored tradition in the(...)

America's Little Syria and Lessons for Today

Dec 9, 2015

BY: Adrian Tafesh/Contributing Writer Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigration, Islam, and Syrian refugees has finally come to a boiling point. His fascistic policy proposals were hardly ever veiled, and yet he is managing to find bolder and bolder ways to flaunt(...)

Mediterranean Cooking from the Garden with Linda Dalal Sawaya: Savoy(a) cabbage for malfouf mihshi

Dec 9, 2015

malfouf mihshi siyemi (Lebanese stuffed vegan cabbage rolls) © linda dalal sawaya 2015 Savoy cabbage, my dear Iraqi friend Aseel recently told me in a joking way, is "Sawaya cabbage". This because my Lebanese last name, Sawaya, is not an(...)

Exploring Modern Syria's Christian Heartland

Dec 9, 2015

BY: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing Writer The cool morning air was invigorating as we left Homs - the Emesa of the Romans - driving westward on an excellent four-lane highway. We had spent a day in this ancient town touring its historic(...)

4,227 Results (Page 344 of 353)
