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4,214 Results (Page 315 of 352)

The State of Arab Americans and Muslims 15 Years After 9/11

Sep 10, 2016

BY: Zane Ziebell/Contributing Writer Almost every American can remember what they were doing on the morning of September 11th, 2001. People were in school, at work, or just waking up to a new day as planes hijacked by al-Qaeda members crashed(...)

Guinness World Record Holder Fuad Shehadeh: Longest Tenured Lawyer

Sep 9, 2016

BY: Zane Ziebell/Contributing Writer Fuad Shehadeh holds the Guinness World Record for the longest tenured lawyer. At 91 years old, Shehadeh has been practicing law in Ramallah, Palestine for over 66 years. The lawyer’s career, which precedes the founding of(...)

Dr. Basel Ghattas (MK) Discusses Palestinian Civil Liberties in Israel

Sep 9, 2016

BY: Nisreen Eadeh/Staff Writer The Arab Center Washington, DC hosted Dr. Basel Ghattas, a Palestinian Member of the Israeli Knesset, on August 25 for a special discussion on civil liberties in Israel. Dr. Ghattas is a member of Balad, the(...)

'Palestine on a Plate' by Joudie Kalla Brings Traditional Food to Modern Kitchens

Sep 8, 2016

Press Release: Palestine on a Plate Palestinian food is not just found on the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem with the ka’ak (sesame) bread sellers and stalls selling za’atar chicken and mana’eesh (za’atar and sesame bread), but in the home too; in(...)

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson asks: What is Aleppo?

Sep 8, 2016

BY: Alexa George/Contributing Writer Earlier Thursday morning, Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson embarrassingly admitted that he did not know what “Aleppo” is. For those unaware, Aleppo is Syria’s largest city and home to many refugees affected by the current civil(...)

Om Ali (Bread Pudding): A Delicious Dessert Resulting from Tragedy!

Sep 7, 2016

BY: Noura Anwar/Ambassador Blogger No dessert can beat the deliciousness of Om Ali, the Egyptian sweet that originally comes from Lower Egypt “Falaheen” (peasants). Yet, not many people know the tragic story behind the popular dish. This story took place(...)

A Descendant Of The Spanish Arab Exiles In Morocco Tells His Story

Sep 7, 2016

Chefchaouen, the Blue City of Morocco BY: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing writer         “Your majesty, to you we complain about the many Calamities and great disasters that on us have fallen. We have been betrayed and in oppression our(...)

Man Ana? Facing Assumptions About Being Arab and American

Sep 7, 2016

BY: Bushra Alfaraj/Ambassador Blogger “Do you like hookah?” This is a question I am often asked the minute a fellow Millennial meets me for the first time. Perhaps my headscarf is a dead giveaway of my being a Muslim or(...)

Trump Wants to Ban all Syrian and Libyan Immigrants, Accuses Iraqi Americans of Supporting 'Honor Killings'

Sep 1, 2016

BY: Nisreen Eadeh/Staff Writer Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gave his long-awaited immigration speech last night in Phoenix, Arizona after a meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico. During his visit, Trump spoke highly of Mexican officials and insisted(...)

Famous Abu Ghraib Image of Torture Used on Festive Christmas Shirt

Sep 1, 2016

BY: Adriana Murray/Contributing Writer Back in 2003, the media exploded with photos exposing what life was like in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The photos illuminated the inhumane treatment prisoners received at the hands of the United States military(...)

The Less Obvious Effects of War in the Arab World: Birth Defects

Sep 1, 2016

BY: Haya Bacharouch/Ambassador Blogger For more than a decade, the Middle East and North Africa have endured constant unrest. Countries including Iraq, Syria, and Tunisia have been intoxicated by constant bombings and exploited due to the lack of proper health care.(...)

The occupation of the mind

Sep 1, 2016

Pam Bailey We are not numbers When we think of “occupation” in the Palestinian context, we most often conjure images of the wall, barbed wire, gates and soldiers. But occupation is at its most insidious when it seeps into your(...)

4,214 Results (Page 315 of 352)
