4,384 Results (Page 235 of 366)
Illustrious Arab Poets Through The Centuries
Jun 12, 2019
BY: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing Writer In the desert of Arabia long before the Islamic conquests, Arabic had developed an enormous vocabulary. For any object to be found in their barren and inhospitable land, the Arabs had countless names. Hence, the poets(...)Hummus: Whose Is It?
Jun 12, 2019
By: Katie Teague/Arab America Contributing Writer It's a classic battle of ownership. The dip that is so good, everyone wants to claim credit for it. Anywhere you go, you'll find endless brands and variations of a classic dish, but who(...)The Miswak - A Natural Toothbrush with Medicinal Qualities
Jun 5, 2019
BY: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing Writer Visitors traveling in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula are often surprised to see men in offices or walking the streets chewing or brushing their teeth with a small stick. Yet, in that part of the world(...)Dream Catchers: Remembering 52 Years of Palestinian Deprivation
Jun 5, 2019
By: Leila Diab/Arab America Contributing Writer The precious nature of the Palestinian tree of life along with the burgeoning generational branches of Palestinian dream catchers and the 21st century’s new generations who advocate for a reversal of unlawful Palestinian human(...)Aladdin Remake Attempts to be Culturally Conscious
Jun 5, 2019
By: Noah Chani/Arab America Contributing Writer Disney attempted to be courteous of a more developed cultural compass in their recreation of the 1992 film Aladdin. The original film was heavily criticized for whitewashing when white actors were cast to play(...)Djibouti--A Little "Afro-Arab" State on the Horn of Africa: At The Crossroads of Arab-Middle East Politics
Jun 5, 2019
By John Mason/Arab America Contributing Writer Referred to as a “postage stamp-sized” country, Djibouti is home to a small population of Yemeni Arabs. Some of these Arabs emigrated there many years ago across the Bab al-Mandeb Strait, a short distance(...)Ma’Moul: The Ancient Tribal Cookie
Jun 5, 2019
By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer During the Ramadan and Easter holidays, there is a special cookie that has traveled through time since the age of the Egyptian Pharaohs. Today this cookie carries religious significance for both Christians and Muslims,(...)Mo Salah, 'The King of Egypt', Claims Victory for Liverpool
Jun 5, 2019
"R E D E E M E R" by I Manipulate is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 By: Mohamed Nada/Arab America Contributing Writer Last Saturday, the man himself, Mo Salah, did the impossible. Salah helped Liverpool win the European Championship,(...)Abu Tabila: A Waste of Time or a Timeless Tradition?
Jun 5, 2019
By: Katie Teague/Arab America Contributing Writer As the holy month of Ramadan has just ended, people in the Arab World still remember the distinct beats of a drum echo loudly through the streets as dawn approaches. What could confuse those(...)June is Immigrant Heritage Month! #celebrateimmigrants
Jun 5, 2019
By: Annika Wolfe/Arab America Contributing Writer This June is the 6th Annual Immigrant Heritage Month (IHM) in the United States! It is a “nationwide effort to celebrate immigrants and share inspirational stories of immigration in America.” The month “provides an(...)10 Reasons Arab Americans are Successful in Business
May 29, 2019
By: Emiliya Strahilova/Arab America Contributing Writer It is said that ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun. In 2017 we witnessed plenty of small and bigger victories of popular Arab Americans from various fields. How do Arab Americans(...)5 Fascinating Facts About The Arabic Language
May 29, 2019
By: Vinu Renish / Arab America Contributing Writer Arabic is an interesting language with deep historical roots! The history of the Arabic language spans centuries from well before the advent of the Christian era. This fascinating language gave humanity the(...)4,384 Results (Page 235 of 366)