4,383 Results (Page 232 of 366)
8 Reasons You Should Travel to Beirut this Summer
Jul 17, 2019
By: Nana Osei/Arab America Contributing Writer Summer is the time for traveling the world! However, choosing your destination is not a simple task. Some people may suggest the Caribbean or Italy. But if you're going to choose anywhere to go,(...)Hospitality in the Arab World
Jul 10, 2019
By: Noah Chani/Arab America Contributing Writer When it comes to hospitality, Arabs are well-known for being masters in the art of welcoming. Historically, the origins of this behavior stem from the willingness to house and feed rogue desert travelers who(...)Healthy Desserts: Health, Taste and Enjoyment
Jul 10, 2019
By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer “I love desserts but they are so unhealthy!” How many times have I heard my friends and colleagues say these words? However, as I created my sweet dishes through the years I found(...)The Subtext of the Ongoing Census Battle
Jul 10, 2019
By: Heba Mohammad/Arab America Contributing Writer In the two weeks since the Supreme Court decided the Administration’s reasoning for including a citizenship question on the 2020 Census was invalid, chaos has ensued as the Department of Justice and the president(...)Libya: A Country Fraught with Civil War and in Need of Washington’s Help
Jul 10, 2019
By John Mason / Arab America Contributing Writer Starting in 2011, Libya started falling apart, commencing a state of civil war which has continued in fits over the past eight years. It began with a Western-Arab aerial action from the(...)The "Ship of the Desert"
Jul 10, 2019
By: Cara Zanta/Arab America Contributing Writer Few animals serve as useful to mankind as the camel does; an animal which has long been associated with the Arab world. In fact, a trip there is not complete without an authentic and(...)Good Morning Fairuz
Jul 10, 2019
By: Katie Teague/Arab America Contributing Writer It's early morning in the streets of Lebanon. As the shops begin to open and people sit for their first cup of coffee with one another, a voice begins to sing over the radio. (...)The Health Benefits of Black Seed and its Significance in the Arab World
Jul 10, 2019
By: Nana Osei/Arab America Contributing Writer The black seed is a mystical and wonderful traditional medicine. It has been used for centuries by witchdoctors, physicians, and the global Arab community. Even if you haven't used this miraculous ingredient, you've probably(...)Reviving Spain’s Moorish Heritage at Petrer
Jul 3, 2019
By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer The January wind was biting cold as I trudged through a blinding Toronto snow storm on my way to a travel agency. My fingers and toes were beginning to become numb, yet, I hardly(...)Kushner’s Bahrain Economic Workshop: Putting the Cart before the Horse in a Misdirected Palestinian Peace Process
Jul 3, 2019
By John Mason, Arab America/Contributing Writer A Vision of Palestinian-Israeli Peace but with few Details Son-in-law of President Trump and senior advisor, Jared Kushner, initiated the Administration’s initiative to spark a Middle East peace process. Called the ‘Peace to Prosperity’(...)Fattet Batinjan--The 5 Layer Casserole of the Arab World
Jul 3, 2019
By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer In the Arab world, home cooks waste nothing and have devised a myriad of recipes that do miraculous things with stale bread. Fattet Batinjan is one of those dishes that some say dates all(...)From Discovery to Life Changing Journey: A Jewish Man's Story from the Heart of Palestine
Jul 3, 2019
By: Ned Rosch/Arab America Contributing Writer Palestine and my journey of discovering: the most Jewish thing I can do is to proudly support the Palestinian struggle for justice! Indian writer Arundhati Roy explained, “The trouble is that once you see(...)4,383 Results (Page 232 of 366)