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4,383 Results (Page 204 of 366)

Black Lives Matter: Palestinians know Struggle Against Racism is Difficult

Jun 5, 2020

By: Mai Abdil-Rahman/Arab America Contributing Writer After the entire country (Black, White, and every shade in between) banded together to keep the COVID19 at bay, America’s persistent pandemic of violent brutality and racism reminded us that unless we eradicate hate(...)

History Behind Palestinian Thobes

Jun 3, 2020

By: Raneem Ghunaim/Arab America Contributing Writer   The Palestinian thobes stand out for their vibrant red colors. Each thobe from every city or village is unique in its own ways. It tells a story and it stands out on its own.(...)

10 Incredible Scenic Photos of Rivers in the Arab World

Jun 3, 2020

By: Dani Meyer/Arab America Contributing Writer Rivers and other bodies of water are the source of life and are vital to establishing important civilizations. Rivers also play an important role in the water cycle and provide a vital ecosystem for(...)

A Camel Encounter Makes the Trip to Dubai's Mountain Resort Worthwhile

Jun 3, 2020

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer The night rains had freshened the air and now as with my daughter and late wife, I drove southward from Dubai, the economic heart of the United Arab Emirates.  Our goal was Hatta, Dubai’s(...)
Arab America

Egyptomania: Why the Rest of the World is Obsessed with Ancient Egypt

Jun 3, 2020

By Emily Tain/Arab America Contributing Writer Egyptomania is defined as a general fascination with all things related to Ancient Egypt. Also known as Egyptophilia, the Egyptian Revival, and Egyptianizing, the phenomenon tangles myth and reality to create a nostalgic view(...)

Moor Impact On Traditional Spanish Food Than Many Know

Jun 3, 2020

By: Noah Robertson/Arab America Contributing Writer In 1492, the last stronghold of the Al-Andalus kingdom, the Arabic name for the Iberian Peninsula, fell in Granada and the Moorish influence began to fade, but not without leaving lasting impacts on Spanish(...)

This June We Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month

Jun 3, 2020

  By: Annika Wolfe/Arab America Contributing Writer This June is the 6the Annual Immigrant Heritage Month (IHM), #celebrateimmigrants!, in the United States! It is a nationwide celebration of immigrants sharing the inspirational stories of immigration in America.” The month “provides(...)
Why Was Kuwait One of the Most Hard-Hit Gulf Countries by COVID-19?

Why Was Kuwait One of the Most Hard-Hit Gulf Countries by COVID-19?

Jun 3, 2020

By: Noureldin Mohamed/Arab America Contributing Writer  Cases of COVID-19 has surged in Kuwait, as the state approached its second week of lockdown. The official lockdown began on May 10th and ended on May 30th. However, Kuwait seems to have one(...)

Arab America Announces Fall 2020 Internship/Externship Opportunities

Jun 3, 2020

Arab America, the leading provider of digital media regarding the Arab and Arab American identity, announces its fall 2020 internship/externship opportunities. Application Deadline: Open until all positions are filled. Term: September-December 2020 (4 Months) Due to the Coronavirus crisis, we(...)

Artificial Intelligence in the Arab World Against COVID-19

Jun 3, 2020

By: Yasmina Hage/Arab America Contributing Writer We are now in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. It is a fast socio-economic transformation driven by technological progress that is overturning entire sectors and systems of governance. In this time of(...)

Finally Getting a Place at the Academic Table—A  New Faculty Chair in Palestinian Studies at Brown University

Jun 3, 2020

By: John Mason/Arab America Contributing Writer The first faculty endowed chair in U.S. academia dedicated to the study of Palestine and Palestinians was announced by Brown University. Renowned professor Beshara Doumani has been named the first holder of the ‘Mahmoud(...)

Respect, Sacrifice, and Loyalty: Virtues Arab People are Proud of

May 27, 2020

By: Ala Abed-Rabbo/Arab America Contributing Writer Arabs honor and admire the ones they adore. They also highly appreciate and value their friendships or even strangers. Families, in Arab culture, instead of the individual, are the essence of societies where morals(...)

4,383 Results (Page 204 of 366)
