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4,376 Results (Page 136 of 365)

Saudi Arabia is Revolutionizing Urban Development

Jun 25, 2021

Oil Fields By: Wael Sultan/Arab America Contributing Writer Saudi Arabia is building its destiny and reputation away from oil, In fact, it doesn’t want anything to do with oil in the future. This initiative emerged from Saudi Vision 2030, a(...)

President Biden Announces 17 Key Nominations, Two are Arab American

Jun 24, 2021

Photo: Left, Ismael Ahmed, Right, Kinan Azmeh JUNE 23, 2021 STATEMENTS AND RELEASES WASHINGTON – Today, President Joe Biden announced his intent to nominate the following 17 individuals to serve in key roles, including two Arab Americans: Ismael Ahmed, Nominee(...)

Roots of Gaza conflict to be probed by UN

Jun 23, 2021

Source: UN By: John Quigley / Contributing Writer After prior rounds of hostilities between Gaza and Israel, the United Nations Human Rights Council has set up inquiry commissions to look into violations of humanitarian law. This time it is going(...)

‘Souk’ and Ye Shall Find – Tunis’s Kasbah

Jun 23, 2021

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer At the end of Boulevard Habib Bourguiba, Tunis’s Champs Elysées, we made our way through Avenue de France to the imposing Bab Behar (Sea Gate) better known as Porte de France.  At one time(...)

Danger Among Us, Part 1: Surveillance of Arab-Americans--Operation Boulder

Jun 23, 2021

Photo: From "The Rise of the Arab American Left" By: Omar Mansour / Arab America Contributing Writer Long before 9/11, Arabs and Muslims have been on the receiving end of institutionalized racism from the American government and law enforcement agencies.(...)

Eight Best Caves in the Arab World That You Should Explore

Jun 23, 2021

By Evan Ploeckelman / Arab America Contributing Writer Did you know that the Arab World is home to a myriad of different caves to explore? Here are eight different cave systems within different countries in the Arab World that will(...)
Dr. Jack Shaheen

Dr. Jack Shaheen: Resisting the "TV Arab"

Jun 23, 2021 By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī/ Arab America Contributing Writer Before the silver screen, the television, and social media, stories were told by storytellers in spoken word. In ancient cultures, orators speak of religion, history, wars, and epics, etc. In the(...)

How To Travel the Arab World Through Wwoofing

Jun 23, 2021

An image from an organic farm in Tagounite, Morocco. Credit: Wwoof By: Arab America Contributing Writer/ Waverly Nohr While we read about the wonders, landscapes, and treasures of the Arab world, actually visiting the countries can seem both intimidating as well as(...)

Machboos- Kabsa- The Comfort Food of the Arabian Peninsula

Jun 23, 2021

The Comfort Food of the Arabian Peninsula Photo: Blanche Shaheen By Blanche Shaheen / Arab America Contributing Writer If you ask anyone in an Arab household how they would define comfort food, many would name some combination of meat, rice, onions and(...)

Visit the Digital Giza Project for At-Home Archaeological Adventures!

Jun 22, 2021

By: Dani Meyer/Arab America Contributing Writer With ancient Egyptian artifacts located all around the world, it has become increasingly difficult for scholars to gain access to all the materials they need for research. With this in mind, in 2000, Harvard(...)
Card Games and Cafes: Social Life in the Arab World

Card Games and Cafes: Social Life in the Arab World

Jun 22, 2021

By: Lindsey Penn/Arab America Contributing Writer In the Arab world, cafes are not just a place to work, but a place to socialize for hours on end. Each table has a deck of cards, chess, backgammon, and more. People gather(...)

When the Sahara was Green

Jun 21, 2021

By: Christian Jimenez/Arab America Contributing Writer When people think of the Sahara, they usually think of an arid desert region that is bone-dry and lifeless due to the lack of rainfall and inescapable heat. However, this was not always the case(...)

4,376 Results (Page 136 of 365)
