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A Small Museum with Big Dreams!

By: Nizar Farsakh/Arab America Ambassador Blogger Museum of the Palestinian People (MPP) is an initiative to establish a space in Washington D.C., where Palestinians can tell their stories their own way. For far too long, the Palestinian story has been reduced to a single story, either of victims or of terrorists, a story told by … Continued

Arab Muslim Women from Minnesota are Portrayed in Exhibition Inspired by Islamic Art

Within an approximately 8’x10’ prayer niche lies a directional compass guiding spoken prayers for any Muslim who retreats into it. In Arabic, this personal niche is called a mihrab, and like mosque architecture, no two mihrabs are alike. Many are lavishly decorated and some are not, but all are personal. Here, Saudi American cardiologist-turned-artist Hend Al-Mansour recasts the … Continued

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