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Arab History

The Meaning and History behind the Pan-Arab Colors

By Evan Ploeckelman / Arab America Contributing Writer Many people know the pan-Arab colors – Black, White, Red, and Green – and the places where they are used, such as on the flags of many Arab nations. What, however, do these colors represent? And why were they chosen initially and to be used on flags? … Continued

Famous Cities in Morocco Series (Episode 2 of 13): Marrakech

By: Claire Boyle / Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: The country of Morocco has so many interesting towns and cities as well as beautiful landmarks. From the astonishing city of Casablanca to Marrakech, Fes, and Rabat, Morocco has everything one might hope to experience. These places boast historical monuments, such as the Hassan II Mosque, … Continued

The Formation of Saudi Arabia

By Arab America Contributing Author/ Christian Jimenez Saudi Arabia is one of the most powerful countries in the Middle East today, containing large quantities of oil and involved with most numerous conflicts across the region as they are now in a regional cold war fighting proxy wars with Iran that is often characterized as a … Continued

Singing For Change: How Music Was an Important Revolutionary Tool

By: Emily Devereaux/Arab America Contributing Writer Historically, most revolutions used significant cultural symbols to help push ideas through the entire population. For example, many people dressed in certain fashions and adorned in various symbols in the French Revolution to signify a tangible representation for their cause. Similarly, Arab revolutionaries recognized the cultural significance of music … Continued

Cats in Islam and the Arab World

By Lyric Ludwig / Arab America Contributing Writer In the Arab world, the imagery, reverence, and domestication of cats is a tradition that predates Islam by many thousands of years. Imagery of cats can be found all over the extant art of the ancient Near East, from Assyrian kings hunting and subduing wild lions, to … Continued

Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod: Palestine’s Foremost Academic and Intellectual

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī / Arab America Contributing Writer “Nearly every Arab American who fights against racial stereotyping, the ideological racism suffered by Palestinians, and the perennial antagonism to Islam, owes Ibrahim a tremendous debt. “ Dr. Edward Said Dr. Edward Said’s Guru There would be no Edward Said in America if Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod did … Continued

Roots of Gaza conflict to be probed by UN

By: John Quigley / Contributing Writer After prior rounds of hostilities between Gaza and Israel, the United Nations Human Rights Council has set up inquiry commissions to look into violations of humanitarian law. This time it is going one step further. By Resolution S-30/1 (27 May 2021) titled Ensuring respect for international human rights law … Continued

Visit the Digital Giza Project for At-Home Archaeological Adventures!

By: Dani Meyer/Arab America Contributing Writer With ancient Egyptian artifacts located all around the world, it has become increasingly difficult for scholars to gain access to all the materials they need for research. With this in mind, in 2000, Harvard started the Giza Project: mapping relevant archaeological sites on and around the Giza Plateau. Peter … Continued

History Is Being Re-Written, and It’s About Time!

By: Arab America Contributing Writers / Hala Gores and Ned Rosch This time is different. We are living in remarkable times: a turning point in the historic struggles for justice not only in Palestine but also all over the world. Palestinian-Canadian attorney Diana Buttu speaks about how the pine trees planted by Israel in her … Continued

How Spanish Replaced Andalusian?

      By: Ahmed Abu Sultan/Arab America Contributing Writer    Andalusia is the southern autonomous community in Peninsular Spain. It is the most populous, and the second-largest autonomous community in the country. The Andalusian autonomous community is officially recognized as historical nationality. However, this name stemmed from an Arabic origin centuries before the Christian … Continued

The Art of Woodworking in the Arab World

By: Lindsey Penn/Arab America Contributing Writer Arabs are well-known for their artisan work, including cloth, leather products, furniture, and more. In that same vein, woodworking is one of many talents that Arab artisans can boast. The art of woodworking in the Arab world is rooted in history and traditions, going back to Biblical times and … Continued

10 Important Moments of the 20th Century in the Arab World

By: Dani Meyer/Arab America Contributing Writer History in the Arab world is full of incredibly defining moments that have not only shaped the region, but the entire world. Looking back at the 20th century, it is clear that there are many moments that fundamentally changed Arab history and future. While many moments, big and small, … Continued

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