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Arab Heritage

Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod: Palestine’s Foremost Academic and Intellectual

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī / Arab America Contributing Writer “Nearly every Arab American who fights against racial stereotyping, the ideological racism suffered by Palestinians, and the perennial antagonism to Islam, owes Ibrahim a tremendous debt. “ Dr. Edward Said Dr. Edward Said’s Guru There would be no Edward Said in America if Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod did … Continued

Dr. Jack Shaheen: Resisting the “TV Arab”

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī/ Arab America Contributing Writer Before the silver screen, the television, and social media, stories were told by storytellers in spoken word. In ancient cultures, orators speak of religion, history, wars, and epics, etc. In the Arab and Muslim world, stories are still performed. However, these stories are muted by Western orientalist … Continued

Eight Best Caves in the Arab World That You Should Explore

By Evan Ploeckelman / Arab America Contributing Writer Did you know that the Arab World is home to a myriad of different caves to explore? Here are eight different cave systems within different countries in the Arab World that will surely amaze and astound you. Umm Jarasan Umm Jarasan, the longest cave in the Arab … Continued

Visit the Digital Giza Project for At-Home Archaeological Adventures!

By: Dani Meyer/Arab America Contributing Writer With ancient Egyptian artifacts located all around the world, it has become increasingly difficult for scholars to gain access to all the materials they need for research. With this in mind, in 2000, Harvard started the Giza Project: mapping relevant archaeological sites on and around the Giza Plateau. Peter … Continued

How Spanish Replaced Andalusian?

      By: Ahmed Abu Sultan/Arab America Contributing Writer    Andalusia is the southern autonomous community in Peninsular Spain. It is the most populous, and the second-largest autonomous community in the country. The Andalusian autonomous community is officially recognized as historical nationality. However, this name stemmed from an Arabic origin centuries before the Christian … Continued

Arab Names Lost at Ellis Island

By: Lindsey Penn/Arab America Contributing Writer Ellis Island, the major point of entry to the United States on the East Coast, saw more than 12 million immigrants from its opening in 1892 to closing in 1924. As millions of people walked through the doors, they signed their names and set out to start their new … Continued

Then and Now: The Silk Road Destinations in the Middle East

By: Lindsey Penn/Arab America Contributing Writer The Silk Road was a major trade route that connected Asia with the Middle East and the edges of North Africa and Europe. Starting in China, merchants would take Chinese textiles (and other goods) all the way from the eastern coast of China, across Central Asia, into Southwest Asia, … Continued

11 Facts About Yemen You Probably Didn’t Know

By: Lindsey Penn/Arab America Contributing Writer With the current civil war in Yemen, all the media focuses on is the negative. Yet, there is so much more to Yemen than the war. Conflict aside, the country has a rich and deep history that goes back to biblical times. It is home to some of the … Continued

8 Amazing Landmarks In Comoros You Have to Visit

By: Claire Boyle/Arab America Contributing Writer The country of Comoros is a beautiful place with its numerous islands, luscious scenery, and breathtaking landscapes. But, did you know that Comoros is also a part of the Arab World? Comoros is the only Arab country that is a conglomerate of islands and located in the Southern Hemisphere. … Continued

Dominio Árabe: A History of Arab Rule in Spain

By: Holly Johnson/Arab America Contributing Writer Spain has long been considered a country brimming with culture, opportunity, and mystifying historical significance. Driven by its unique geographic borders, nestled in the Iberian Peninsula, it is the only European country to have a physical border with an African country. It maintains territory off of the Canary Islands, … Continued

The Khaleeji Love Story in a Bottle

By: Safa M. Qureshi/Arab America Contributing Writer What is Vimto? One unexpected invention from Northern England has won over markets in the Middle East. Vimto is a popular soft drink in the Gulf Arab States made from grapes, raspberries, blackcurrants, and of course sugar… lots and lots of sugar. Outside of the UK, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, … Continued

The Uplifting Magic of Mother’s Day in These Perilous Days

By: Ralph Nader/Special to Arab America As Mother’s Day approaches, the celebration of our Mothers is overshadowed by the continued presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ralph Nader explores his Lebanese familial heritage as well as his mother’s impact on his own life. We get a reflective article including the role of his mother including her … Continued

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