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Meet the Arab Americans Taking Congressional Races by Storm

By: Dina Kobeissi / Arab America Contributing Writer More than any other time in history, the names of Arab Americans are hitting ballots across the country. It is especially unprecedented that we’ve had this many Arab Americans who are running for congressional office. Including both old and new faces, here’s a list of the candidates … Continued

Arab Americans Celebrate National Arab American Heritage Month–April 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (WASHINGTON, DC) March 16, 2022 –During the month of April, the Arab America Foundation formally recognizes the achievements of Arab Americans through the celebration of National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM). Across the country, cultural institutions, school districts, municipalities, state legislatures, public servants, and non-profit organizations issue proclamations and engage in special … Continued

Why KFC is a Luxury in Gaza

How many stories have you heard of Palestinians in Gaza, being deprived, or denied of basic human rights, such as medical attention, education, travel, the right of business?  Palestinians living in Gaza aren’t allowed to fish past a certain point off their own coast. They are even being deprived of something as small as fast food, like KFC which is a huge luxury in Gaza.

Minimalism In Islam and Why You Should be Minimal

Imagine a fire, what is the first thing you’ll grab? Take a minute to really think, what is special enough to save. What material items are worth risking your life for? Despite the horridness of this scenario, there is a silver lining which is that it forces us to reconsider what is valuable. Intern Menal Elmaliki, brings insight on minimalism, why you should be a minimalist. Minimalism, though seemingly modern, is an Islamic value and also a value shared in all religions, and past cultural traditions.

Huda Shaarawi: The Early 20th Century Egyptian Female Activist

By: Noureldin Mohamed/Arab America Contributing Writer Born Nour Al-Huda Mohamed Sultan Shaarawi on June 23, 1879, in the Egyptian city of Minya, she was a member of the famous El-Shaarawi family. Her father, Muhamed Sultan Pasha El-Shaarawi, later became the president of Egypt’s Chamber of Deputies. Shaarawi grew up studying extensively, learning several languages as … Continued

Arab America Foundation Engages Over 40 Speakers and 360 Attendees at the CONNECT Arab America: Empowerment Summit, November 12-14, 2021–Event Recap

The Arab America Foundation hosted its historic in-person CONNECT Arab America: Empowerment Summit from November 12-14, 2021. During the entire Summit, the Arab America Foundation engaged over 40 speakers and 360 registrants were in attendance. The event featured an exciting array of speakers in public service, women’s activism, identity, community advocacy, engagement, and leadership. Moreover, participants … Continued

Do I Look White to You?: The “White Arab” Myth in America

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī / Arab America Contributing Writer White or Wrong? There was an alleged mass shooting at a Boulder, Colorado grocery store on March 22, 2021. This followed the Atlanta, Georgia spa shooting by a white man who had a “really bad day.” In the same token, social media quickly ruled that the Boulder suspect … Continued

Eight Egyptian Female Writers You Should Check Out

By: Noureldin Mohamed/Arab America Contributing Writer Literature in the Arab world is one of the most important aspects of the culture where writers and authors express their ideas, opinions, and values. Specifically, writing in Egypt is a popular way of expressing freedom to critical issues at home and abroad. Arab American Contributing Writer, Noureldin Mohamed, … Continued

Singing For Change: How Music Was an Important Revolutionary Tool

By: Emily Devereaux/Arab America Contributing Writer Historically, most revolutions used significant cultural symbols to help push ideas through the entire population. For example, many people dressed in certain fashions and adorned in various symbols in the French Revolution to signify a tangible representation for their cause. Similarly, Arab revolutionaries recognized the cultural significance of music … Continued

Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod: Palestine’s Foremost Academic and Intellectual

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī / Arab America Contributing Writer “Nearly every Arab American who fights against racial stereotyping, the ideological racism suffered by Palestinians, and the perennial antagonism to Islam, owes Ibrahim a tremendous debt. “ Dr. Edward Said Dr. Edward Said’s Guru There would be no Edward Said in America if Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod did … Continued

Dr. Jack Shaheen: Resisting the “TV Arab”

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī/ Arab America Contributing Writer Before the silver screen, the television, and social media, stories were told by storytellers in spoken word. In ancient cultures, orators speak of religion, history, wars, and epics, etc. In the Arab and Muslim world, stories are still performed. However, these stories are muted by Western orientalist … Continued

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