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Tweets and the Travel Ban: A Shocking Week for Arab Americans

By: Michaela Schrum/Arab America Contributing Writer It’s been an eventful week, to say the least as two pertinent issues affecting the Arab American community, including President Trump’s inflammatory Tweets directed against Muslims and the Supreme Court’s reinstatement of the Trump travel ban directed against Muslim counties. Trump’s Inflammatory Tweets Last week, President Trump retweeted a series … Continued

One Day, I Told Uncle Sam that I Love Him; He answered: OOPS……

By: Mike Enayah/Arab America Ambassador Blogger One day, I told Uncle Sam that I loved him. He frowned and replied: you can’t love me little Abdul.. I asked, why Uncle why? He replied:  because freedom is not your fate, your religion teaches hate, and whispered: “your genetics are not so great.” I almost believed him, … Continued

Swede Shows the Way to Palestine, Hiking Nearly 3,000 Miles,

By: J. Michael Springmann/Arab America Contributing Writer In  August 2017, Swedish activist Benjamin Ladraa began his self-funded walk from Gothenburg, Sweden, where he’s been living, to Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Palestine.  That’s roughly 4,800 km., nearly 3,000 miles.  A Red Cross employee, he resigned, selling all he had and using all his funds to finance the trip. … Continued

5 Recent and Positive Developments Concerning Palestine

By: Michaela Schrum/Contributing Writer There have been many developments in the past month concerning Palestine, The US, and Israel. Here are the top 5 most important and relevant events. 1. Palestine Given INTERPOL Membership September 27, 2017, Palestine was voted a full member of The International Police Organization (INTERPOL). As a new member, Palestine now … Continued

Arab Americans Need to Exercise their Right to Register and Vote

By Yasir Shallal/Arab America Contributing Writer As an American citizen of Iraqi descent. I am writing to encourage you to vote in the upcoming elections. On November 7th. You will have an opportunity to take part in democracy and exercise your right to vote. While voting duties are optional in a free democracy, as it … Continued

Trump Must Abandon Discriminatory Muslim and Refugee Ban

Photo Credit: CNN Following a federal judge’s decision to block the Trump administration from implementing the latest travel ban, Naureen Shah, Amnesty International USA senior director of campaigns, released the following statement: “This ruling will provide hope to thousands of people across the world. It’s a blow to the Trump administration’s attempts to tear families … Continued

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