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Arabic 101
Arabic Word of the Day
Shami and Levantine Dialect
Arab Trivia
Crossroads of the World The Middle East is often referred to as the "crossroads of the world" because it connects Asia, Africa, and Europe.
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The Chaldean-American Chamber of Commerce is a partnership of Chaldean businesses and professionals working together to strengthen members' business, increase job opportunities, encourage expansion and promote Chaldean business and culture. The Chamber seeks to service and represent Aramaic-speaking people, including Assyrians, Chaldeans and Syriacs.
Since 1961, the Chaldean American Ladies of Charity (CALC) has continually assisted the needy families of the metro Detroit area. The CALC is a nonprofit charitable organization that operates with over 98% of donations going directly to the less fortunate. We focus our efforts on enhancing the lives of the people in our community. Our time and volunteer efforts are spent helping those less fortunate, encouraging our youth, providing care for our senior citizens, and maintaining our culture within the diverse community in which we live. CALC Mission Statement: * We are Chaldean American women energized by working together and with others to provide help tp those in need. * We strive to preserve our heritage and enrich the community through awareness and advocacy, education and advice, and emotional and economic support. * Our vision is to strengthen and preserve the Chaldean family by ensuring that all generations have access to necessary resources and services. * The CALC has many volunteers that spend a substantial amount of time helping others and trying to raise funds and awareness of our mission. If you'd like to volunteer your time with the CALC, click here to fill out a volunteer information form. We appreciate your help!