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Melkite Ambassadors
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The Melkite Ambassadors is an organization open to those in the Melkite Community, ages 25-40, who want to participate in advocacy, catechesis mentorship, community life, community service, leadership development, and prayer.
The Melkite Ambassadors’ mission is to acquire a deeper Christian faith in order to reinforce and improve all aspects of our parish and the Melkite Church

The Melkite Ambassadors serve to reinforce and improve all aspects of their parish and Melkite Church, such as serving as mentors and positive role models to those inMAYA and NAMY. The Melkite Ambassadors show the importance of developing a deeper relationship with Christ and the Melkite Catholic community and increasing their knowledge of the Christian faith. The Melkite Ambassadors provide input to the Bishop on how best to keep continued interest in the future of our Church.

Members meet at least twice each year, at a weekend retreat and at the Melkite national convention, to pray, plan and discuss those life changing events and challenges in which they may need support.

To become a Melkite Ambassador and receive updates on upcoming events, please visit our Facebook page.

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