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Arabic 101
Arabic Word of the Day
Shami and Levantine Dialect
Arab Trivia
Lemons The English word "lemon" is derived from Arabic.
Copyright © 2025 Arab America
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East Downtown Dearborn grew up as the six-mile stop on the road from Detroit to Chicago in the 1800s. From the early to mid-1900s, it grew from being Downtown Springwells (consolidated with Dearborn in 1929) to a regional-scale commercial center. The rich architecture of East Downtown's long-gone department stores and movie theater is becoming home to new businesses opening to serve growing nearby neighborhoods, including even the old Springwells City Hall, now the anchor of the bustling Dearborn City Hall complex. Waves of immigration have given Dearborn a vibrant tapestry of people, cultures and flavors. Experience them in East Downtown along a mile stretch of Michigan and Schaefer, from the district's dozens of diverse restaurants and shops to this summer's Music Under the Stars concert series, featuring Brazil and Beyond and more in City Hall Park! EDDDA MISSION The East Dearborn Downtown Development Authority advocates, directs and manages revitalization and economic growth through redevelopment projects, collaborating with stakeholders and supporting and promoting our businesses. EDDDA VISION East Downtown Dearborn will be a thriving urban district that invites investment in a diverse, historic and welcoming hometown environment.
Egyptian Cancer Society (ECS) was founded in 1991 as a branch of Egyptian medical association it is an independent nonprofit organization and does not issue licenses.
ECS has always carried the mission of coordinating professional and medical issues among its members and partners through our continuous meetings and discussions. The Society is concerned with the current progress in cancer prevention, diagnosis and therapy as a result of technological innovations and application of genetics, biology and informatics.
Beside These activities the ECS is concerned with awareness of cancer related health problems and persistentlycontinues its efforts in community outreach programs.
The members of the society should achieve a diploma, master degree, or doctorate in one of oncology related branches.
Evolution Dance Theatre also known as EDT is a federally registered not-for-profit company that develops, promotes and performs original Middle Eastern-inspired multimedia and multidisciplinary spectacles to both entertain and provoke dialogue on social, spiritual and humanistic themes.
The company is committed to producing unique, one-of-a-kind performances which are visceral, visually captivating and have broad universal appeal. Evolution Dance Theatre has a mandate to entertain, educate and inspire. In addition the company emphasizes Women’s empowerment and showcases multiculturalism while maintaining heritage.
EDT utilizes Middle Eastern dance forms in combination with a variety of other dance genres to tell stories that cross boundaries of gender and generations to bridge the global gap of cultural interchange and to reinforce the universality of the human condition. EDT showcases original stories that reveal the Middle Eastern traditions and display the rich and colourful culture that is so mysterious to many of the Western world.
Unlike other belly dance-inspired productions, Evolution Dance Theatre uses dance as a canvas to create a spectacle that incorporates music, performance, video and other genres to create a one-of-a-kind storytelling experience while celebrating diversity.