Breaking News: Doubletree Hilton Hotel at SeaWorld in Orlando Cancels Connect Arab America: Empowerment Summit

WASHINGTON DC, October 28, 2023–It is with regret we inform you that the Connect Arab America: Empowerment Summit, scheduled for November 3-4 in Orlando, Florida, has been unilaterally canceled by the Doubletree Hilton Hotel at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida.
The stated reason for this last-minute unilateral cancellation is security. Yet, we believe this to be part of an overarching and systematic machine vowing to shut down all Arab American voices.
The cancellation followed claims that the hotel received calls in recent days with: “questions about the event taking place at the Hotel next weekend.” The calls referenced the event being in different media channels and “expressed surprise that Hilton would host such an event at this time.“
We believe the Hilton’s actions to be discriminatory. They were fully aware we were in the process of securing needed security. Following their letter of cancellation, the Arab America Foundation (AAF) asked the hotel management that they reconsider their decision, however, the request was declined.
“Arab Americans have long been subjected to negative stereotypes in the media and by elected officials, leading to a distorted public image,” said Warren David, president of Arab America and Co-Founder of the Arab America Foundation. “The recent developments in Palestine have unfortunately fueled even more disparaging narratives, resulting in the cancellation of our summit at the hotel. It’s almost ironic that we find ourselves rejected for the very principles we uphold, advocating against discrimination based on our Arab American identity.”
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause. We understand the disappointment and frustration this news might bring to our valued participants, speakers, performers, sponsors, and vendors.
The annual summit was scheduled to cover a range of topics, including leadership, entrepreneurship, women’s empowerment, and the Arab American heritage through panels, networking, cultural presentations, and exhibits.
The Arab America Foundation (AAF) is a non-profit (501c3) educational and cultural organization. The mission of AAF is to promote the Arab heritage, empower and educate others about the Arab identity, connect Arab Americans, and build coalitions with diverse organizations across the U.S.
Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Arab America Foundation at or call us at 877-272-2944.
Once again, our sincere apologies for this unfortunate turn of events.
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