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Bible Translators Set Sights on Arabic Scriptures

posted on: Apr 18, 2020


The International Bible Society is stepping up its efforts to see the Scriptures translated properly into the world’s fifth-most spoken language, Arabic.

The society, now known as Biblica, already has an Arabic Bible but its effectiveness is limited because of the numerous Arabic dialects.

Mission Network News reports, Biblica has released its Arabic text under a Creative Commons licence which will allow local translators to change the text into regional dialects and reach more people.

Biblica spokesperson Laura Fischer says the initiative is about removing roadblocks for translators that were attempting to follow the rules but were getting held up by concerns over licencing.

Biblica also is looking at supplying its Translators’ Notes so translation teams can understand why a certain word was chosen in the original Arabic text.


Photo credit: Sami Mlouhi / CC BY-SA (