American Middle East Voters Alliance-PAC Announces New Endorsement Process to Address Candidate Qualifications for Public Office and Judiciary Amid Law Firms Suspected of Intolerance and Bias

AMVOTE-PAC announced on Monday that it has amended its endorsement process to address candidate qualifications for public office and judiciary amid law firms suspected of intolerance and bias. AMVOTE-PAC will implement in its endorsement process an explicit inquiry concerning diversity and inclusion practices of law firms presenting candidates for public office and the bench, especially as they relate to the treatment of Arab American and Muslim lawyers and law graduates.
The American Middle East Voters Alliance (AMVOTE-PAC) is an “issues” PAC that engages in candidate endorsements to over 365,000 MENA voters in Illinois and over 195,000 voters in Cook County in its proprietary database.
It has come to our attention that the MENA community is questioning the diversity and inclusion practices of certain Chicago law firms who are said to be participating in the nationwide campaign to influence law school deans concerning law students who vocalize concerns about the war in the Middle East.
“AMVOTE-PAC questions the temperament and professionalism of those firms that would be intolerant of the constitutional rights of lawyers and law students to peacefully express their diverse opinions,” said Judge William J. Haddad, (Retired), Chair, AMVOTE-PAC.
In light of the aforementioned concerns for bias and undue influence, and in order to ensure the integrity and impartiality of any legal professionals seeking public office in the future, AMVOTE-PAC will implement in its endorsement process an explicit inquiry concerning diversity and inclusion practices of law firms presenting candidates for public office and the bench, especially as they relate to the treatment of Arab American and Muslim lawyers and law graduates.
AMVOTE-PAC, founded in October 2015, serves as a State PAC dedicated to advancing fresh prospects for the MENA community in government, business, employment, education, and equal rights by empowering voters.
Compiled by Arab America
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