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ADC Works to Bring US Citizen Home

posted on: Sep 10, 2012

Over the past few weeks ADC has been working to bring home a US Citizen that had been denied the right to travel back to the United States by various government agencies. The ordeal began in June of this year when the traveler, an Arab American male, left for a one month visit to the Middle East. Once the traveler attempted to fly home to the US, he was denied boarding and was not given a specific reason. Numerous attempts to return home followed with no success, further delaying the traveler, and leading the family to contact the ADC Legal Department in early August.

Once retained, attorneys from ADC National and ADC Michigan acted on behalf of the family and immediately began to pressure the appropriate government agencies. ADC submitted an intent to sue letter on behalf of the family and was prepared to file a federal law suit, spurring the government agencies to take action and avoid lengthy and costly litigation. Shortly after the aggressive action by ADC, the government agencies took all necessary steps to ensure the traveler was permitted to return home. He arrived over the weekend and is now reunited with his family.

“We are glad that the family is reunited, and the ordeal is over. However many questions remain, including how this happened, and what steps can be done to prevent it from happening again to other members of the community. ADC will continue to push for answers from the appropriate government agencies and keep all legal options open,” stated Abed A. Ayoub, ADC Legal Director.

ADC has continuously handled similar cases, and worked with a number of clients who have experienced excessive delays and unwarranted questioning while travelling. ADC will continue to press for answers and advocate for a change in policy that would bar burdensome delays, unconstitutional detention, questioning, and searches.

The ADC Legal Department offers pro bono services to victims of profiling and discrimination. If you, or someone you know, are experiencing problems while travelling, please contact ADC for assistance.