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ACRL Condemns Political Attacks on Middle Eastern Refugees

posted on: Nov 20, 2015

ACRL denounces in the strongest terms the political discourse as it pertains to accepting Syrian and Middle Eastern refugees to the United States. Whether by local, state or federal politicians these attacks, which play on people’s fears, ignorance and hatred are unjustified and unwarranted. As per U.S. law, all immigrants and refugees coming into the U.S. are subject to rigorous vetting and screening.  Since the outbreak of the conflict in Syria, the U.S. has resettled a total of 1,854 Syrian refugees. The United Nations (UN) estimates that 12.2 million Syrians are in immediate need of humanitarian assistance.

 The calls by more than half of the Nations Governors, including Governor Snyder, to halt the resettlement of Syria refugees to the U.S. demonstrates that our country is veering away from the American tradition of aiding the world’s most vulnerable populations. We should not victimize the refugees who have also suffered under the treachery of ISIS.

 America has always been open to immigrants and refugees from all over the world who are fleeing conflict.  For us to close the door on these particular refugees goes against everything we stand for as a nation.  ACRL asks Governor Snyder and the other Governors to reconsider their illogical and impractical knee-jerking reaction to the humanitarian needs of the refugees.