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5 things Arabs say when they’re feeling just OK

posted on: May 16, 2016



Asking someone kifik/kifak has become an automatic question we ask each other, whether we genuinely care for the response or not. For some, responding with “mneeha” is more of a reflex rather than a true reflection of what the person actually feels. At times though, being straight up honest, minus the whole mushy-ness of emotions, is the best way to say you’re doing OK.

Here are 5 things Arabs say when they feel like total crap, but don’t want to get all emotional with you:

1. Aade

When you loose all emotions and just feel neutral.

2. Yaani

When you’re feeling not too good and not too bad… So-So.

3. Mashi el hal

When you honestly don’t know how you’re feeling, all you really do know is that everything is OK but not OK at the same time.

4. Al hamdulillah

Another word for “I’m trying not to complain right now and I’m grateful for everything and I know some people have it worse, but I feel like total shit right now.”

5. Aysheen

When you’re ‘literally’ living as if your organs are functioning, but feel dead on the inside.