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3rd Annual Fight for Justice Gala Honors Arab American Community Members

posted on: Oct 15, 2014

On Friday, October 10, 2014, Arab-American Civil Rights League held its 3rd Annual Fight for Justice Gala and Dinner. The sold-out event drew over 800 guests on a night in which a special tribute and passing of the “Dean of the House” title was transferred from Congressman John Dingell to Congressman John Conyers, the latter an awardee.

Awards were presented to distinguished guests who have impacted the Arab-American community.

Dr. Farouk El-Baz, an accomplished NASA scientist, spoke about the struggles he faced growing up Arab-American. He said he often had to work twice as hard as his colleagues. Sure enough, his hard work paid off and led to NASA’s Apollo lunar missions.

Awardee Ismael Ahmed spoke of the importance of community and giving back to those less fortunate. Mr. Ahmed touched on his experience and fulfillment as a life long community volunteer and important work with non-profit organizations.

Finally, Keynote Speaker, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, brought the crowd, literally, to their feet with his rap lyricism and motivational speech. Dr. Dyson stated that Arab Americans should be proud and not apologetic for their successes and entrepreneur spirit, despite the unfair and discriminatory business practices of local banks which have closed Arab-American bank accounts. Dr. Dyson also highlighted the fact that Arab Americans have pioneered many fields of study and have an important and unique narrative in the American story.

Arab American Civil Rights League