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10 Reasons Why Trump Could Never be an Arab

posted on: Jun 29, 2016

Trump could never be an Arab because of his ongoing and past behaviors. He could learn a few lessons from us on how to be a little more Arab-like. It might be better for his health, improve his manners, and make him a better person overall. Here’s a list of ten reasons why Trump doesn’t quite fit in with Arab culture, and why we’re a little happy that we can’t call him our own.

BY: Nisreen Eadeh/Staff Writer

1. He isn’t generous


After taking a quick peek into Trump’s philanthropic past, it’s clear that he doesn’t understand what it means to be generous. His idea of charity includes free rounds of golf at his courses, giving cash gifts to his clients, and donating land to New York. How does golf give back to those in need? He rarely uses his own personal money, too. That’s not very Arab of him. Arabs will give you everything they own to make you feel welcomed and loved, which is a major characteristic of our culture.


2. He loves walls


Donald Trump began his presidential campaign by saying he’s going to build a great, big wall between the U.S. and Mexico (and calling all Mexicans rapists and criminals). In every stump speech, he brings up the wall and says, “just look to Israel” to see how effective walls are. Uhhh… Excuse me?! Israel’s 40-meter high wall is an ugly separation barrier between Palestine and Israel. The wall separates Palestinians from roads, water, farmland, and many other resources. It’s an apartheid wall, and Arabs don’t particularly care for it.


3. He doesn’t like eating with his hands


Trump likes to eat junk food all the time, which requires the use of hands normally, but he’s always seen with utensils of some sort. That just won’t do with Arab food. Hummus, labneh, pickles, olives, falafel… These popular foods are eaten with your hands. Even dishes like mansef, musakhan, and kabsa are meant for eating with hands. It’s why Arabs eat so much bread; it’s good for picking up the food! If Trump can’t eat with his hands, he can’t be an Arab.


4. His steaks aren’t halal


Trump Steaks was a failed venture that lasted about two months in the summer of 2007. No one can seem to get a hold of one of the steaks to try them now, but one thing is for sure: the steaks are not halal. For many Arabs, whether they are Muslim or Christian, this is an important factor in buying meat. But that’s okay. We’re not missing out. Apparently, the meat is super greasy and borderline inedible.


5. He doesn’t like refugees


If the Donald doesn’t like refugees, then he basically doesn’t like any Arab American. Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iraqis unfortunately make up a large group of refugees. But we don’t shame refugees and try to ban them from our countries. Instead, we give them whatever we have because when you’re in an Arab’s home, you don’t leave until you’re stuffed with food, well rested, and carrying a gift out the door. That’s the Arab way of treating refugees.


6. His business has failed in the Arab world


Khalaf Al-Habtoor is one of the largest property mogul’s in the Arab world. He is responsible for much of Dubai’s beautiful skyline. At first, Habtoor supported Trump, but when the presidential candidate’s anti-Muslim speeches became the norm, he pulled his support. Donald Trump’s home décor products were pulled from 195 stores in the region because he has “damaged his brand” in “all Muslims countries.” You’ve got to respect Arabs in order to work with them. Otherwise, there’s no trust holding the partnership together, which Arabs like when conducting business.


7. He hates Muslims


Being Muslim doesn’t make one an Arab, but being Arab means coexisting with Muslims. The Arab American community consists of many faiths and sub-ethnic groups, but we don’t listen to Trump when he tries to demonize any one part of our group. The best part about being an Arab is sharing culture and traditions with a diverse community. Trump has attacked every ethnic and religious minority group in this country. If he’s incapable of being nice, making friends, and embracing differences, then he can’t be an Arab.


8. He is constantly objectifying women


This is a big no-no for Arabs! Women are respected as people, not pieces of meat. Trump has repeatedly called women dogs, fat pigs, and slobs. It is so aybe to degrade women or make them sexual objects. If you called an Arab woman any of those words Trump uses, her cousin’s cousin and other cousins will host an intervention and make sure that never happens again. Trump has a very long history of saying inappropriate and mean things to women. To be Arab, he must respect where he came from and who took care of him.


9. Terrorists like him


Yes, it’s true. Terrorist organizations like ISIL use Donald Trump’s statements and footage of him to rally their troops. Trump’s not working for them, but he’s definitely not solving any problems by saying the family members of all terrorists should be killed. There are tough Arabs fighting every day to help their communities escape the clutches of terrorist groups. Trump is only reversing that work every time he opens his mouth and says, “Ban all Muslims.”


10. He doesn’t party like we do


To celebrate his victory of reaching 1,238 delegates he needed to clinch the nomination, Trump ate a McDonalds burger and fries. He calls that a celebration? His idea of an Arab American celebration is dancing and cheering on 9/11 when the towers fell. No, sir. You are wrong. Arabs prefer to cook a lot of food, invite their friends, family, and neighbors over, and enjoy good music. We don’t buy McDonald’s and eat it alone on our private jets. Come to our party. We will feed you real food.