10 quotes from Arab poets to lift your spirits
By: Menna Ayman
Source: Stepfeed
In a world of chaos and bad news, few choose to focus on the good.
Take a moment to breathe out the negativity as you read some of the most inspiring quotes from influential Arab poets.
2. Amin Maalouf
”Let your tears roll tonight, but tomorrow you will start the battle again. What defeats us, always, is just our own sorrow.” – Amin Maalouf
3. May Ziade
”Powerful is the one whose motto in life: I might suffer but will never surrender.” – May Ziade.
4. Khalil Gibran
“Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.” – Khalil Gibran
5. Nizar Qabbani
”In the end, forgetting is nothing but turning a page in the book of life. It may seem an easy matter, but as long as you can’t tear it, you will keep on stumbling upon it between each season of your life.” – Nizar Qabbani
6. Ahmad Matar
”For the sun does not bow except to reach the heart of the sky, nor does the wheat stalk bow, if it is not burdened.” – Ahmad Mattar, The Stalk Bows.
7. Fadwa Tuqan
”Give us wings to open the horizons of ascent, to break free from our confined cavern, the solitude of iron walls. Give us light, to pierce the deepest darkness and with the strength of its brilliant flow we will push our steps to a precipice from which to reap life’s victories.” – Fadwa Tuqan, A Prayer to the New Year
8. Ghassan Kanafani
”You have something in this world, so stand for it.” – Ghassan Kanafani
9. Ahmad Shawqi
”The revolution of souls severs ropes, and the revolution of minds removes mountains.” – Ahmad Shawqi
10. Ghada al-Samman
”It’s me who chose from the beginning to lose the world in the hopes of winning myself.” – Ghada al-Samman