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Music by +Aziz: New Orleanian tones with a Flavor of Khaleeji Beats

posted on: Jun 10, 2015


Recent years saw a change in the Arabic music scene. While classic music, or what is known as Tarab, was trending during the sixties through the seventies, the rest of last century saw  Arab music taking a different theme, especially with the introduction of video clips. In order for singers to become more popular, they based their music on fast rhythms and simple lyrics, and presented the song with a video clip of high quality.

But recent years saw the rise of a totally different music genre, a genre that is more independent, uses social media to spread, and mixes different music genres from around the world to produce new styles.

+Aziz is a Kuwaiti singer- songwriter, as he loves to describe himself. On his page, he writes: “Drawing on the ethos of alternative rock and folk, I am an Arab songwriter crafting songs that bring together Middle Eastern and New Orleanian heritages.”

The first thing that attracts you to the name is the + sign, and for that Aziz has a story.

“The + sign in front of my name is for branding purposes. I started using it in high school as a nickname. Some people thought I use it out of arrogance, others thought it comes out of my love for math. But at the end of the day, I love receiving different interpretations from people.”

+Aziz was born in Kuwait, where his parents originally come from, but has a strong relationship with United States. He was raised between Kuwait and America. He moved to New York in 2008, and then to New Orleans to deepen his understanding of music.

As a teenager, he used to listen to Kuwaiti music, but his real passion was towards western music. He also started having interest in the independent music scene in some Arab countries, such as Jordan and Lebanon. However, +Aziz realized there was no such scene in the Gulf where he lived. So that’s when he wanted to be part of a new landscape that could happen in that part of the world.

“While I was in the US, I started writing Arabic songs, and at that time, it was not about the meaning, but about the feelings it evokes,” says +Aziz.

When it comes to the social media platforms, +Aziz has employed those platforms as a means to reach out to different people. You would find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo, Tumblr, and Soundcloud.

+Aziz’s new single will be released on June 17, just before the month of Ramadan, and it’s called “RMDN”.

“Ramadan is a special month for all of us and it gives us a special type of energy. What is interesting to me is how it brings ideas that are juxtaposition, so there is a contrast between my childhood and how I was with family at times of Iftar and Suhoor on one hand, and the idea of fasting alone because of relocating between different cities. I don’t think that is an unusual experience for Arab Americans especially those of my age,” says +Aziz.

“Through this song, I also try to say that however you are immersed in social media, which is becoming an integral part of our lives, you need to be out there, reaching out to people and socializing with them, and that’s what Ramadan is all about. Its about being together with family and friends,” adds Aziz.

Through his music, +Aziz tries to explore the whole music spectrum, and not just one type of feeling that is evoked with music, but the main identity that he is trying to present to himself is a mixture of Khaleeji Arabic rhythm combined with bold and loud Western music.

Samya Ayish
Contributing Writer
Arab America

Links with more about +Aziz: